Other Android phones

Android Phones For Business FAQs

Which brands are included in your Android collection?

Our collection features popular Android brands including Google Pixel, Xiaomi, Oppo, Motorola, Nokia, and other manufacturers. We also offer a range of Samsung devices for business users in their own dedicated section of the store.

Is Android The Same On All Devices?

The Google Pixel offers a "pure" version of Android, as designed by Google. Customised versions of Android, like MIUI (Xiaomi), or ColorOS (Oppo) add additional features and visual modifications to the base Android experience.

How often do these phones receive software updates?

Update frequency varies by manufacturer:

  • Google Pixel phones receive updates for 7 years after launch
  • Most other manufacturers provide 2-3 years of major Android updates and 3-4 years of security patches

Do all these phones support 5G?

Most of our devices support 5G connectivity. However there may be some older, or entry-level devices which are not 5G compatible. Check the individual product specifications on each phone for more detailed information, including its connectivitiy.

Can I Transfer Data From My Old Device?

Yes, Android makes it very easy to transfer data onto a new device. Google has a build-in backup and restore feature, which should work well for most business users. Some manufacturers may also have their own transfer tools, and there are also third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that can help.

Which Android Phone Is Right For My Business?

The right phone will depend on how you intend to use it and your budget. We'd recommend looking at our round-up of the Best Business Mobiles which gives suggestions for all types of business users.