We'll choose the tariff which is best for you (not the one which pays us the most commission), keep you up to date with developments and treat you how we would like to be treated if we were the customer. That may not seem like rocket science, but unfortunately it's not always a standard feature in the telecoms industry!
We take pride in understanding our customers, appreciating the world from their perspective, and communicating in a way which makes you happy to do business with us. We think it's important to do as much listening as possible before we offer a solution. And because nobody is perfect, on the rare occasions when something goes wrong we will admit when we have made a mistake and aim to rectify it as painlessly as possible.
We started Simpatico with the aim of being nice at all stages of our business - and clear communications are an integral part of that.
Like to talk to somebody who focusses on you as a person rather than just talks technospeak? Call us now!